

I know this post ain’t relevant to my blog but I also couldn’t control myself from sharing this news with my fellow bloggers that our film “Dumped” won the Audience Award at the 48 Hour Film Project 2013,Mumbai. A global platform where young upcoming filmmakers come up to make a short film in 48 hours with scripting,shooting and submitting on time. Participating for the first time and winning love from the audience makes me feel really happy and contented because our efforts that entertained people made us achieve something we never thought of.I am an aspiring video editor and I have always enjoyed editing along with photography.

Every filmmaker got their own genre on random but had to follow 4 instructions
1- The character should be Shekhar Sharma/Shikha Sharma
2- He/She should be a fashion designer
3- Backpack as prop should be used
4- Movie should have a dialog “Ye to mera dialogue he” aka “This is my dialogue”

Feels really great to complete my 500th post with this and I hope you enjoy watching the film as much as we enjoyed making it. Thanks everyone for your love!

